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Why Modern Vision Solutions?

Do we really need another glasses and contacts place? No.
Which is why we built Modern Vision Solutions.

Our Story

Being able to experience crisp, clear vision is truly transformational. But the old way of “going to the eye doctor” just doesn’t cut it anymore. We asked patients, “If you could wave a magic wand, how would you change the experience at the eye doctor?” This is what they told us:

  • Air Puffs: “Oh my gosh, I hate that air puff thing. Can we just NOT do that?”
  • Dilation: “I go to the eye doctor, then my entire day is shot because my eyes are dilated for hours and hours.”
  • Wait Times: “I’m over waiting rooms. Last time I went to the eye doctor, I waited over 30 minutes for the appointment to start. Why?”
  • Scheduling Delays: “I call for an appointment, and they can’t accommodate my schedule for almost a month. I need my prescription NOW. Super inconvenient.”
  • Lack of Control: “I feel like I’m on a hamster wheel. I go in, get my prescription, get new contacts that I don’t really like, and wait another 12 months to do it all over again. I feel totally powerless to actually fix my bad vision.”
  • Do I have other options? “Do I qualify for LASIK? What about another type of procedure? Do you guys know how to check if I’m a candidate? Can we even talk about it?”

We think there’s a better way. No air puffs. No wait times. No long delays until you can schedule. No dilation (unless it’s absolutely necessary, which it often is not). And best of all, access to ALL the modern ways to correct your vision – performance glasses, advanced contact lenses, and even vision correction procedures if you qualify.

At Modern Vision Solutions, we help our patients achieve the freedom that clear vision can provide. We do this through an unparalleled patient experience and world-class, lifelong vision care.

When we partner with a patient for their eye health and vision needs, our patient’s priorities become our priorities. We get to know our patients’ stories, and customize a vision correction solution around their hobbies, dreams, and job requirements. You deserve to live a lifestyle free from visual barriers.

Our patients are not limited to glasses and contact lens options for temporary correction of their bad vision. In fact, laser vision correction is an excellent solution with proven outcomes for those who qualify. Surgical vision correction allows our patients to live a life of freedom and convenience, and without prosthetic vision aids. If you’re interested in exploring LASIK or other advanced vision correction procedures, we’re happy to discuss these options with you.

The Modern Vision Solutions Philosophy: Clear vision allows people to be their best and happiest selves, with the view of the world they were always meant to have.

Modern Vision Solutions is a full-scale vision center committed to empowering our patients with the best vision scientifically and medically achievable – whether their best solution is glasses, contacts, or a vision correction procedure.

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Our Technology

Much like a fingerprint or a snowflake, your eyes are one-of-a-kind. Which means you have unique vision needs as well. Your standard, run-of-the-mill eye exam often falls short of providing the most accurate information about your eyes.

This is why we designed our EyeAnalysis exam, the most in-depth eye exam you could imagine. It gives us better testing results, which lead to better recommendations, and better outcomes for you. Find out more here.

Your Vision Experience

Vision for a lifetime. That’s our purpose. Of course we want to help you see better today. But you have many years to live with your eyes. Let’s set you up for success in the future as well.

We built our VisionTrack program with the goal of helping you enjoy a lifetime of crisp, clear vision. Find out more about our approach to long-term vision care here.

Live a Lifestyle Free from Visual Barriers

Modern Vision Solutions can help you achieve the freedom that clear vision can provide.

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