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You’ve heard the term, “Life is a journey, not a destination.” To be successful on any journey, you need a clear view of your path. This quote embodies our philosophy around eye exams and eye care.

This isn’t just a “now” thing. You have one set of eyes. You need them to work well and last for a lifetime. Discover the Modern Vision Solutions eye exam difference.

    What You Can Expect From Your VisionTrack EyeAnalysis™ Exam

    With one of our Concierge Team members guiding you, we will perform your EyeAnalysis scans using a number of advanced technologies. In the approximately 60-minute exam, we will analyze all aspects of your vision and eye health. The results of your scans help your doctor to determine the ideal vision options for your eyes – your customized VisionTrack care plan – to help you achieve your best possible vision, now and for years to come.

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    Why so thorough?

    “Knowledge is power.”

    Which contact lenses are best suited for your vision and the anatomy of your eyes? Would you do better with a more permanent vision correction solution, like LASIK? Is it possible to slow or even stop the development of nearsighted vision issues?

    Through the scans we perform during our EyeAnalysis exam, you will discover the answers to all this and more. The following list of scans may look long to you. Some might even call it excessive. But we assure you each aspect of the EyeAnalysis serves an important function in helping you maintain proper eye health and your best optimal vision.

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    During Your EyeAnalysis Exam, we do a number of advanced diagnostics to measure:

    • Your eyeglass and/or contact lens prescription
    • The thickness, shape and health of your cornea (the surface of the eye), down to the cellular level
    • The health of the retina (the back part of the eye)
    • The quality of your vision (yes, we can measure this!)
    • Your eyes’ ability to focus on objects at various distances
    • Screening for common conditions that could affect the eye, including allergies, conjunctivitis (pink eye) diabetes, macular degeneration, glaucoma and more.
    • The length and growth of the eye (Particularly helpful in assessing our younger patients)
    • Tear film analysis to identify any tear film-related causes of dry eye or other conditions.


    When you put all this technology together, you’re looking at the most in-depth eye health exam available in the area, valued well over $500.

    Following your testing, you will meet with one of our MVS specialists, who will discuss your results, answer your questions, and explain your VisionTrack personalized care plan.

    Your eyes deserve the leading edge of technology and care, which is exactly what you’ll find at ​​Modern Vision Solutions. Schedule your EyeAnalysis exam today.

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    Live a Lifestyle Free from Visual Barriers

    Modern Vision Solutions can help you achieve the freedom that clear vision can provide.

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    Call Us: (833) 586-2020